Advertise your talks with Public Speakers Corner

Public Speakers can advertise Talks, Walks, Quizzes, Demonstrations and Workshops on this website

If you’d like to be included on the website you can read more here:

A word of advice before you get started…..
Remember that your page on this website is not aimed at the public, nor at other Public Speakers – it is aimed at the Speaker Finders/Bookings Secretaries. They are the only people who ever come to this website and they come here to find speakers for their group/club/association.  So, when you provide the information about your talks, walks, quizzes, workshops, whatever, be mindful of the fact that you are courting the Bookings Secretaries and nobody else.  So before you start, put yourself in their place, imagine you’ve arrived at this website and you have to find a speaker or two or three or enough for the whole year…. it’s a thankless and usually unpaid task…. so give them an easy ride.  Once they’ve read your personal information and decided that you fall within their financial range, they’ll scroll down to your talks.  A colourful illustration is  the first thing they’ll notice and this will guide them to your title so make sure the title is pithy and  interesting. If you’ve held their attention this long, they’ll then read your blurb about the talk.  So, make sure you’ve made your description as good as you possibly can – about 150/200 words.  That description has got to have the Bookings Secretary picking up the phone or clicking on your email address while thinking ‘Yes, my group will definitely like to hear about that.’  Job done!

Please note that the Speaker Finders/Booking Secretaries are not charged any sort of fee for using this website, the financial deal that you strike with each other is entirely your concern  – there are no hidden extras or subtractions.

What I’ll need from you:-

Just send the text over in an email or a Word document, don’t underline and embolden or use fancy text because I have to strip it all out before I can use it in your profile page.  The photos/illustrations are best sent as attachments, it is more time consuming if you send them embedded in a Word document.

The nearest town to where you live and the county. Bookings Secretaries like to know how far a speaker has to travel….. two reasons for this 1) so that they can roughly calculate what sort of travelling expenses will be involved and whether it will involve an overnight stop.  2) During winter months when travelling can be hazardous, lots of groups stick to local speakers to minimise the risk of a hall full of people and no speaker.

About this Speaker
Just a little bit of information about yourself – remember that this website is not aimed at full-time professional speakers, it is aimed at Speakers who charge a modest fee and organisations who don’t have a big budget.  So, this bit of blurb about yourself is just to give the Bookings Secretaries an idea of what sort of person you are. Don’t try and ‘big it up’ ….. write it in the first person, relaxed and friendly and  about 75/150 words is fine.

About your talks
This is to let the Speaker Finder know how you deliver your talk and any props that you’ll need – Powerpoint with projector and laptop; Slide projector with slides; If you bring exhibits, the organiser needs to be aware that you’ll require a table or two. Some venues are the wrong shape to allow a Powerpoint/slide presentation and can only accommodate ‘stand alone’ speakers – such speakers are quite sort after, so be sure to mention the fact in this section if you are able to give your talks with a ‘stand alone’ option.

A photo of you
Head and shoulders is best, but I can usually cut and paste if it is a full length picture.  Please send this as an attachment, not as an integrated part of a Word document.   I absolutely mean this…. if you send me your pictures embedded in a Word document, I often have to use a cutting tool to get them out.

Each talk needs a TITLE.
If you haven’t got a TITLE for your talk, then think one up before you send me your email…. think of something interesting or cute, or funny, or clever, anything that’ll catch the eye or the imagination of the Speaker/Bookings Secretary. Remember – if you don’t get past the Speaker/Bookings Secretary, then you don’t get to give your talk!

Each talk needs an illustration
Where possible, a photo/illustration to illustrate each of your talks. This makes your profile page more interesting for the bookings secretary to browse. The more interesting, the more likely he/she is to linger and read about your talk.  Please don’t send the illustrations embedded into a Word document, just ping them over as attachments in your email. The format for the pictures on the website is landscape, so whenever possible, send me a landscape picture as otherwise, I will have to chop away a large piece of it to make it fit into the space provided.

Contact details
Phone number(s) and an email address so that the Speaker/Bookings Secretaries can contact you direct.  I don’t get involved, I don’t act as a middleman, you and the Bookings Secretaries make your own deals.

Your website’s URL
I’ll include your website if you have one – but in return, I ask you to include this website address on your own website – the choice is yours, just add this URL  and let me know that you’ve done it (send me the page where you’ve made the link) and I’ll reciprocate.

You get a whacking great link – very impressive! Scroll to the bottom of this page and you’ll see what you’ll get………….

Your Fee
As far as your fee is concerned, I won’t  put ‘negotiable’. It is too stark and wastes time and causes embarrassment when a bookings secretary contacts you and you quote a figure that is way above what was expected. So, please give me a starting figure such as “Starting figure is £50 plus modest travelling expenses if more than ten miles from my base in Lichfield”  It is useful to  quote your mileage costs as well, but even if you don’t quote mileage costs, you must put that you will be making a travel charge if you do so.

Browse by County
Can you give a good indication of the areas to which you are prepared to travel – look at the Browse by County theme page (click on the purple bar at the top of the pages).  I can key you in as ‘Anywhere in the UK’ but even so, do give me half a dozen counties as well because your profile will appear in each county that you name as well as in the ‘Anywhere in the UK’ theme page – so you get far more exposure when you name some counties.   If your County isn’t listed, just tell me and I will add it in.

Browse by Theme
This is very important! Study the Browse by Theme and let me know what sections you want to me included in.  The more themes you are in, the more times the bookings secretaries will see your profile.  So, if you have a talk about Nelson and the Battle of Trafalgar and one about Gardening For Fun and Food, you can be listed under at least six themes – Famous People, History, War & Conflict, Gardening, Hobbies, Health and Wellbeing. The more themes you are in, the more chances you get of a Bookings Secretary finding you.