Sharon Wright

Location: Surbiton, Surrey
About me...

I’m an author, journalist and playwright and enjoy talking about true-life stories almost as much as writing them. In a long career I’ve written for everyone from Take a Break to The Guardian, The Lady to the New York Post. I’ve popped up on Woman’s Hour and as a Daily Express columnist. Now I’m a best-selling nonfiction author and spend my days hiding in libraries, emerging only for a cup of tea and to write up startling discoveries in my books. I really enjoy giving talks because I meet lovely people and we all have a good time.

About my Talks...

My talks are fun and informal and illustrated by images that help bring them alive. I use a PowerPoint slideshow on a memory stick for use with an inhouse projector. If you don’t have a projector, I have a portable one I can bring along.
My talks last around 45 minutes to leave time for questions from the audience.


My fee is £140 including travel expenses.

My Contact Details:

07866 516016

Mothering Heights: Finding Mrs Brontë

Public Speaker in Surrey, Sharon Wright talks about Mothering Heights: Finding Mrs Brontë

Before Cathy met Heathcliff, before Jane Eyre met Mr Rochester, Maria Branwell met Mr Brontë. Reader, she married him and their real Regency love story rivals any Brontë novel. Maria gave us Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë, the most gifted literary siblings the world has ever known… then vanished from history for 200 years. Who was the missing mother of genius? Sharon shares her quest across the West Country and native West Riding to unearth Maria’s remarkable, untold life story for her bestselling biography, ‘Mother of the Brontës’.

Sex, Scandal and Mrs Sage

Public Speaker in Surrey Sharon Wright presents her talk Sex, Scandal and Mrs Sage

With more twists than a hit farce, a Georgian playwright could not have imagined a better plot for the real-life Mrs Sage balloon show of 1785. Letitia Sage was a West End actress who succeeded in becoming the first Englishwomen to fly. Her steely determination and plunging neckline brought va-va-voom to the balloon as she traded the 18th-century stage for fame among the clouds. Sharon tells the hilarious, heroic saga of PR disasters, floppy gasbags and rude cartoons that dogged Letitia’s history-making London lift off – and explodes the myth that she invented the Mile High Club (the truth is even saucier).

Aeronaut to Her Majesty: The White-Knuckle World of Margaret Graham

Public Speaker in Surrey Sharon Wright presents her talk Aeronaut to Her Majesty: The White-Knuckle World of Margaret Graham

Fearless balloonist Margaret Graham was a Victorian superstar. Though the first British woman to fly solo and an accomplished aeronaut, she was more famous for her spectacular accidents. The 19th-century adventures of the disaster-prone diva made history, grabbed headlines and astonished the nation. Though she frequently caused havoc, you really could not keep a good woman down. Hold on tight as Sharon takes you on an unforgettable ride through the life of indefatigable Mrs Graham, self-styled ‘Aeronaut to Her Majesty’.

Pluck, Luck and Parachutes

Public Speaker in Surrey Sharon Wright presents her talk Pluck, Luck and Parachutes

Edwardian skydivers Lily Cove and Dolly Shepherd were among the brave breed of women who made a living leaping from balloons and floating to earth by parachute, to the wild delight of the crowds that gathered to watch. Except it didn’t always happen like that. Tragic ‘Leaping Lily’ fell to her doom in highly mysterious circumstances over the West Yorkshire moors in 1906. Meanwhile Dolly repeatedly cheated death, executed an astonishing mid-air rescue in 1908 and lived into her 90s. Sharon tells the often heartbreaking, always nail-biting stories of these plucky and liberated young women.

High Society

Public Speaker in Surrey Sharon Wright presents her talk High Society

In the 1900s balloons became all the rage among ladies who lunched… and flew for fun. Fashionable balloon races, picnics among the stars and hair-raising attempts at breaking records became de rigueur among Britain’s proto jet set. Long before women won the vote these have-a-go heroines seized a freedom in the sky that was to be found nowhere on the ground, with all the courage of true pioneers. Sharon reveals the absolutely fabulous stories of Golden Age heiresses, actresses, writers, scientists, explorers and suffragettes who went up, up and away before aeroplanes changed the skies forever.


Sharon’s talk “Luck, Pluck and Parachutes” was well received by our U3A branch. The subject matter was so unusual that it provided a great variation to the more usual subjects from speakers. I don’t think anyone who attended the talk (around 75 members) knew anything on this subject. Certainly original. The talk was delivered with good humour.

Richard Green


Sharon brought her Astonishing Adventures of the Lady Aeronauts talk to our U3A today and it was absolutely superb. Sharon’s was able to present her talk in a humorous down to earth way, whilst not downplaying the astonishing courage of the privileged ladies of the late 1700s/early 1800s who excitedly embraced the fun and excitement of this new and extraordinarily dangerous activity flying in the newly invented but somewhat uncontrollable hot air balloons of the day.
Our thanks to Sharon for an extremely interesting talk on a topic not so well known to most of us.

Roland Higgins
Tadley, Hampshire


Sharon came to talk to Ilfracombe Museum about her book ‘The Mother of the Brontes’ – she unfolded a fascinating story that wove togther all the drama of Caroline Branwell’s journey to becoming Mrs Bronte- including a shipwreck at Ilfracombe! She is a really engaging and lively speaker, and so friendly; we had a sold-out talk and a really fun and informative evening.

Sara Wilson
Ilfracombe, Devon


Sharon gave a talk on the Mother of the Brontes at the Richmond Walking and Book Festival in 2021. It was informative and entertaining and the audience thoroughly enjoyed it. Sharon also joined us on a short walk and the participants were very appreciative

James Gravenor
Richmond, London


We thoroughly enjoyed Sharon Wright’s talk “Mothering Heights” at Filey Library. The amount of research Sharon shared with our audience, backed up with visuals and openness to questions, was fabulous. Our audience was enthralled and delighted by her journalistic approach, and very friendly personality. We are looking really looking forward to more talks with Sharon Wright at Filey Library.

Carole Mills
Filey, North Yorkshire

Sharon Wright Contact Details:

07866 516016

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